Funny Friendship Messages, Texts and Quotes

These funny messages for friends will enable you to have fun with your friend. What are you waiting for? Share these best funny friendship messages, texts, and quotes with your friends.

Funny Friendship Messages

True friends don’t judge each other, they judge other people together.

Once a stupid person made a great decision in life, that is to become a friend with someone equally as stupid as him. Congratulations!

A good friend will pick you up when you fall, but a best friend will help you up, laugh and trip you again.

It’s been so many years that I have remained a friend with you. I wish you knew how hard it was for me to put up with your stupidity all these years!

It’s hard to not be a friend with someone who already knows all the dark secrets of you. Being friends with you is not a choice for me anymore; it has become an obligation now!

A lovely star dropped on earth one night and asked me what you want a million dollar or a good friend? I choose to have a million dollars. Because I already have you!

I have all the quality of a great friend and more. You should really be feeling lucky everyday for having a friend like me in your life!

A good friend will come to bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, “That was awesome.”

Thank you for making me realizes that I’m a loser. After all, who would choose to be a friend with someone so weird as you without a loser like me.

I heard that a true friend is someone who helps you hiding a dead body. I will manage a friend like that but will you be that dead body for me?

If we’re on a plane that was about to crash and there was just one parachute. I promise to give the best speech at your funeral.

Real Friend care like a MOM, Scold like a DAD, Teas like a SISTER, Irritate like a BROTHER, Love more than a LOVER.

A good friend is like a bra: hard to find one you’re comfortable with, always provides support, holds you tight and is always close to your heart.

Thank you for being there through all of the significant others I have mistakenly chosen over you in obvious moments of weakness.

I don’t need a psychiatrist to prod into my personal life and make me tell them all my secrets, I have my friends for that.

Even before I knew of the internet, I knew about connections. It’s something I feel whenever you’re around.

Every time I look at my falling grades, I feel kind of disappointed. But, then I rejoice because you’re always there for me, bud.

You’re a traffic signal, my friend. Your antiques always stop me in my tracks.

True friends are like loud farts. They don’t smell as much, always make you laugh and life is impossible to live without them.

I’m fortunate to have someone in my life who is not only my friend but also my personal babysitter. Thanks for being there.

There is no doubt that you are the most fortunate person as you have me in your life. You surely need no more blessings in your life.

I don’t ever want a friend better than you, because I’m already fed up! You are a great friend but your craziness is beyond endurable!

Thank you for laughing at my jokes even when they are not funny. After all, it’s the only thing that makes you important to me.

Funny Messages For Best Friends

My friend, I was visiting the graveyard the other day. And it made me realize that should our friendship ever end; it would be the death of you.

Thank you for being a playground where I can feel safe and play. I hate you, bestie. Hugs and kisses.

A best friend is someone who drives you insane but makes sure that they don’t send you to the asylum. Thanks, bestie, for always being there for me.

Best Friend: A person in front of whom you can fart without the fear of being judged.

Friends stab you in the back, boyfriends stab you in the heart, but best friends don’t carry knives.

Sometimes, I feel scared of dying and going to hell. But then I can’t help but smile because I know for a fact that my best friend will most certainly accompany me.

A stranger stabs you in the front; a fake friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends only poke each other with straws.

I feel horrible about myself for not having accomplished anything in life, but then feel better when I see where you are. Thanks for being my best friend.

If you’re a Chocolate you’re the Sweetest, if you’re a Teddy Bear you’re the most Huggable, If you’re a Star you’re the Brightest, and since you’re my “FRIEND” you’re the “BEST”!

We’re not perfect, We laugh too hard, We’re way too loud and we make complete fools of ourselves but doing it together makes us Best friends forever!

As your best friend I swear to always pretend to be your lesbian lover when you are getting hit on by an ugly ass hole in a bar!

I used to be normal until I met those losers I call my BEST FRIENDS!

Thank you for being a friend of mine despite the fact that I’m the slowest person to enter a pool.

Ironically: thanks for being the one who is always beside me when you need something.

Your validity of being my friend is going to be expired today, please recharge your friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet, cool and funny friendship messages. So hurry!

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I’m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends.

You’re the friend I’d feel the worst about killing in a post-apocalyptic death match for food.

Laughing is one of the best exercises, it’s like running inside your mind. You can do it almost anywhere and it’s even better with a friend.

Fish said to water: you won’t see my tears, because I am in the water. Water replied: But, I can feel your tears because you are in my heart. That’s FRIENDSHIP!

Funny Friendship Quotes

“A good friend will help you move. But a best friend will help you move a dead body.” – Jim Hayes

“Real friends don’t get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive.” – Unknown

“I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell – you see, I have friends in both places.” – Mark Twain

“Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.” – Robert Bloch

“Most of us don’t need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with.” – Robert Brault

“Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.” – Virginia Woolf

“Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have nonsense respected.” – Charles Lamb

“Friends give you a shoulder to cry on. But best friends are ready with a shovel to hurt the person who made you cry.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t judge each other, they judge other people together.” – Emilie Saint-Genis

“Friends: people who borrow my books and set wet glasses on them.” – Edwin Arlington Robinson

“The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.” – Mark Twain

“If you can survive 11 days in cramped quarters with a friend and come out laughing, your friendship is the real deal.” – Oprah Winfrey

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.” – Laurence J. Peter

Funny Texts for Friends

I saw a dog on the road. He was looking for his bitch. Fortunately, I got mine by my side.

I thought slavery was abolished. Still feel like being a slave to our friendship forever. Love you, man.

During school holidays, I often feel like a T-rex. It’s because I can’t reach you at that time.

Thanks for helping me out homework. Although you being this kind to me does make me kind of suspicious.

Getting to know a politician like you has been a scary experience. Thankfully we support the same party.

Having a friend is like having a general to defend you. Thanks for making me a part of your army.

Buddy, you’re like the grim reaper. You can see straight into my soul.

Friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older. Just like us… I get better, you get older.

My friend’s friend is my friend. My friend’s girlfriend is my friend. My friend’s boyfriend is just a scum.

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get a warm feeling that it brings.

You drink too much, you cuss too much also you have questionable morals, you’re everything I ever wanted in a friend!

Friends come and go, likes the waves of the ocean but the true one stay, like an octopus on your face!

True friends are like Chinese takeout, they are; dependable, enjoyable, and just a phone call away.

“FRIENDSHIP” is a sim, which has no activation charges. Free incoming and outgoing with roaming all over the world and it’s validity “NEVER END.”

My dear friend, you attract me more than gravity. I love you! Happy friendship day wishes to you!

I knew it was a friendship at first sight when I saw that we are the same kinda crazy.

You’re annoying. You’re weird. You’re crazy. You’re stupid. You’re clingy. You’re… just like me.

Some people go to priests. Others to poetry. I’m to my friends.

Friendship must be built on a solid foundation of alcohol, sarcasm, inappropriateness, and shenanigans.

Finding Friends with Same Mental Disorder is PRICELESS.

Funny Friendship Messages, Quotes and Texts

Happy Friendship Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Friendship Day calls for celebrations and Happy Friendship Day messages make a worthy share with close and dear friends. Tell them what they mean to you with Happy Friendship Day messages images that have been drafted for you to put forward your feelings the perfect way. Here we have presented some friendship day wishes and quotes for your lovely friends.

Happy Friendship Day Wishes

You are one of the blessings I got in life. I’m grateful to God for our friendship. Happy Friendship Day, bestie!

I just wanted to tell you that you’ve always held a special place in my heart. Happy Friendship Day, buddy!

Dear best friend, you’ve always brought out the best in me, supported me. Thank you for everything. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy friendship day to you. I’m happy to have you as my friend.

Happy friendship day! Thank you for being my best friend forever.

Happy friendship day to you all. Sending love and best wishes to you on this friendship day. Love you all.

Wishing you a happy friendship day, my dear friend. May God strengthen our bond and fill our lives with happy memories.

I cannot imagine how boring my life would be without you guys! Thanks, everyone for being there for me.

Happy Friendship Day, my buddy! You are someone I can count on in every step of my life. May our beautiful friendship lasts forever!

The most invaluable thing I have is your friendship. I will forever cherish it. Happy Friendship Day Bestie.

A true friend is someone who gives you all the freedom to be yourself. It’s hard to find true friendship life but it’s the sweetest thing that can ever happen in your life. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy friendship day to you. Sending you love and warm wishes from the bottom of my heart. I miss you.

Friendship is the purest of all relation. If you ever find a friend who is true and honest, be thankful and don’t ever let him go. Happy Friendship Day to all!

Hey bestie, Happy Friendship Day! You are one of the kindest, funniest, and most helpful one I’ve ever met. Let’s stick to each other forever!

Happy friendship day! I pray that our beautiful friendship always stays the same.

I have no words to describe how I feel to have a friend like you. Thank you for being my best friend in life. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy friendship day. I appreciate your love, kindness, and support! Thanks for being a part of my life my friend.

Thank you for never letting me do the stupid things alone. This just proves what a great friend you are for me. Happy Friendship Day to you!

Not many things in life make me happy. But you are an exception. Happy friendship day, my friend!

Happy friendship day to my brother from another mother. Life is easy and full of fun with you.

Happy friendship day. You mean a lot to me. Thanks for being the shoulder I can always depend on.

You can be a million miles away from me, but you will always be in my heart. Happy friendship day!

Dear friend, ever since you came into my life, you have filled my life with utter joy and happiness! Happy Friendship Day to you!

My dear friend, I have learned what true friendship is because of you. Thank you for being a real blessing for me! Happy Friendship Day!

Friends are like stars in the sky. You may not always notice them, but they are always there watching over you. Happy Friendship Day!

Dear friend, thank you for always appreciating me. Happy Friendship Day!

Friendship Day Wishes For All Friends

Happy friendship day to all my friends near and far. Wishing you all a great time celebrating this happy occasion.

Cheers to all my friends who were there for me when I needed them the most. Happy friendship day.

On this friendship day, I pray that our friendship remains forever. Happy friendship day to my friends.

Happy friendship day to all the fantastic people who we call friends!

Happy Friendship Day to all of you! May our friendship always remains the same.

Happy friendship day to all the friends who care for us, love us, and inspire us without any condition!

Happy friendship day everyone. To me, you all are angels in the shape of friends. Thanks for all the love and affection.

Friends are someone whom we can count on at every step of our lives. Wishing everyone a lovely friendship day.

Few things in my life make me happy and you are one of them. Happy friendship day!

Thanks for being the package of joy, happiness, and laughter. Happy friendship day. I love you all.

Each friend has a different place in your heart. Thanks for being there when I needed you the most.

When I have friends like you, I am already winning in my life. Happy friendship day, my friends.

Friendship Day Wishes for Best Friend

Happy friendship day to my best friend so far. There is no one with whom I can share my feelings except you. Missing you so much.

We may not see each other in everyday life, but I know we are always on each other’s minds. Happy Friendship Day!

A best friend is someone who knows the rhythm of your heart and is ready to tune his own heart at the same rhythm. Happy friendship dear best friend!

Friends like you stay in the heart forever and their memories never fade away. Happy Friendship Day dear best friend. Missing you a lot!

The twist of having a best friend like you is that I always have a built-in partner to celebrate Friendship Day.

Your existence has illuminated my life with new hope. I’m lucky that I got you. Happy Friendship Day, best friend!

My best friend, you have always taken care of me and brought out the best in me. Here’s to celebrate all the years to come! Happy Friendship Day!

Your existence makes my life easy and stress-free! Thank you for always walking by my side and helping me in every step. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy friendship day to my bestie. You’re the treasure that I will keep forever. My riches lie in having friends like you, not in any material things.

No one can make me feel so comfortable as you do. I have everything in this life because I have a friend like you. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy Friendship Day My Love

Finding a friend in your love probably the most beautiful thing in the world. Happy friendship day, my love!

You are my love, my strength, and my best friend. So here’s wishing you a happy friendship day, my dear!

Happy friendship day my love. Thank you for being my lover and friend. I’m so fortunate to have you as my partner.

Happy friendship day my love. I appreciate your love as a partner and understanding behavior as a friend. You’re the best. I love you.

First, you’re my friend, then you’re my lover. I’m forever grateful to you for making my life worth living. Happy friendship day, my love.

You are not just the love of my life. You are the most special friend to me. Happy friendship day, my beloved.

Funny Friendship Day Wishes

I always wanted a friend who would be just as much weird as me, but now it feels like I was a bit too weird to be tolerated. Anyway, happy friendship!

Totally forgot which one of us is the bad influence! Anyway, happy friendship day to my weirdest friend!

Why watching cartoons on tv where there’s already a living cartoon around me? However, Happy Friendship day to You!

My promise was never to let you feel lonely. That’s why I always disturb you. Anyway, Happy Friendship Day!

The force of gravity is only partially responsible for bringing us together. I thank my lucky stars for everything. Happy friendship day!

Our friendship is like Spaghetti and meatballs. We go well together. Happy friendship day!

I envy you because you got to meet such a wonderful person like me. Truly, God has blessed you a lot in life. Anyway, happy friendship day!

My buddy, much to your dismay, you are stuck with me for the rest of your lives, so stop ignoring my texts! Happy Friendship Day to you!

I’m glad that you are in my life because your kind nature and sweet gestures have started to rub off on me too! So Happy Friendship Day!

Make friendships with dumb people and feel superior all the time. That’s what I did when I first met you. Happy friendship day!

Friendship Day Quotes for Female Friend

A friend like you is a precious gem that only the fortunate ones can find. I want our friendship to last forever and ever!

We were made to be each other’s best friend. It doesn’t matter how far we are; we will always be in each other’s hearts. Happy Friendship Day!

The best thing in the world is probably having a girl as a best friend. It feels so much easy to express myself to you. This special day is only for you!

The only person in this world that understands me more than even myself is you. I never thought I will find my bestie in a girl. Long live our friendship!

You’re the sweetest and loveliest female friend I have ever had! Happy friendship day, dear.

My super girl, you never fail to amaze me with your high spirit, charisma, and boldness. I am so proud to be your friend! Happy Friendship Day to you!

My loving friend, Happy Friendship Day! Thank you for always having my back and guiding ways for me. Here’s to girl power and eternal friendship!

Only fortunate ones can have a friend like you! And our friendship means a lot to me. Happy Friendship Day!

Happy friendship day to my gossip partner! Where I would’ve found all these gossips without you?!

Happy friendship day to my sister from another mister. Thanks for being a true and loyal friend.

Friendship Day Quotes

Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief. Joseph Addison

On "Friendship Day" we recognize the people we call friends and there is an added incentive to add new friends..... that's the spirit of the day. Author Unknown

Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life. La Fontaine

Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.” – Washington Irving

The best thing about friends is they support you without any reason. Happy friendship day!

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” – Anais Nin

“It is only the great hearted who can be true friends. The mean and cowardly, Can never know what true friendship means.” – Charles Kingsley

“Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus

“A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.” – Arnold H. Glasgow

The distance can never weaken our friendship. You will always be in my thoughts. Happy Friendship Day!

“Friendship is a beautiful promise between two people to be there for each other.”

When friends are with us, life seems less complicated. Wishing you a very happy friendship day!

No matter how old we become, there is always a friend who activates your childish mode. Happy friendship day!

Friendship like ours doesn't solve life challenges but because of our friendship I know the challenges are not mine alone.

Happy Friendship Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Emotional Friendship Messages – Heart Touching Friendship Quotes

Share these Emotional Friendship Messages today on your social media or text your friend.

Heart Touching Friendship Quotes

Your presence is more important than even the words that you say. I value our friendship so much.

True friendship is rarer and when you find one you have found a treasure.

If you have one true friend, you have more than you could ever have wished for.

Best friends help you to find the important things in life when you have lost them. That is smile, hope, and courage.

Thank you for touching my life in ways; having a friend like you is a gift from above. I will forever cherish you.

I don’t expect you to be perfect in everything, but I will help you to become perfect. That’s what true friendship is all about!

There is nothing more valuable in this world than true friendship.

You know who your true friends are when you are faced with a challenge in life.

Friendship does not have to strain your life.

I cherish a friend who is not held up with anything. They will be there for you when you need them.

Walking with a friend in life is better than walking alone.

You may not know how valuable True friendship is until you have lost it.

Friendship is very delicate, once that trust is broken, it cannot be repaired.

A true friend is someone who stays with you when everyone else leaves.

Heart Touching Friendship Messages

I wish there was a way I could show you how important you are in my life. I hope you remain my best friend till the end of time.

Whenever I need emotional support, you are always there for me. Even if you don’t say a word I usually feel relieved. I’m lucky that I have you as a friend!

One thing that I appreciate in life is you, without you, my life would be in a mess. I am glad that I don’t have to live a single day without your company!

You took my worries away and gave me a new life. You filled my heart with new hopes, love, and dreams. You are a true friend.

When you find a special person, they will remain in your life forever. Thank you for being that special person in my life.

Your friendship is my life, no matter the distance; you will always be in my heart.

I never knew what true friendship means until I met you. Thank you for being with me every step of my life.

If you keep me as your friend, I will keep you in my heart forever. I will lock you in my heart and throw the keys into the ocean so that no one will ever find them and take you away from me.

Emotional Friendship Messages

You are the only person who gives me the confidence I need in life to face challenges. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

Your words are like a breeze that comes to take away all the bad memories. Thank you for being my friend.

The only thing I want in life is to be friends forever. You are such an amazing friend that I will forever treasure.

The only person in the whole world who knows me better than anyone else is you. That’s why I never want to lose you.

I was filled with negativity, but your friendship has changed all that. I am now positive and optimistic in life. Thank you for your love and care, more so your friendship.

I want our friendship to last as long as it can, for I cannot live without you.

It does not matter how many friends you have, but there is that one true friend who will always be there for you. Treasure that friendship.

Life without you in it would be the most boring ever. I am happy that I am always in your loving company.

A loving and caring friend is so precious than anything else in one’s life. I thank God for giving me a wonderful friend like you.

Emotional Friendship Quotes

Many people will come and go, but true friends will be with you until the end of time.

A true friend always sees your pain when everyone else can’t. You are that friend and I will forever cherish our friendship.

True friendship is not a game that you can just end like that; it starts today and stays forever.

I never knew what true friendship meant until I met you. With you now I know how good friendship is.

Thank you for giving me that friendship love that I never imagined I would ever get. You are the best friend ever.

A real friend gives love, protection, and life.

Friendship means being on the same level always.

Friendship is one of those things that give value to life.

It is at our lowest moment in life do we know who our true friends are.

If you think friendship is easy, then you have never had a true friend.

Love is the only thing that makes an enemy a friend.

One cannot live alone; you will always need a friend.

It is in times of trouble that you will see the love of friends and not in times of happiness.

I am lucky to have received the greatest gift in life, the friendship we share.

Emotional Friendship Messages – Heart Touching Friendship Quotes


Best Friendship Quotes For You and Your Friends

Below, find the finest compilation of friendship quotes to share with your mates.

Friendship Quotes

“You’re such a wonderful person and even a more wonderful friend; having you in my life makes me feel lucky.” – Unknown

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” – Helen Keller

“You’re not only my friend, but you’re also the family I chose for myself. Our friendship is the most precious to me.” – Unknown

“Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.” – John Evelyn

“There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family.” – Unknown

“I’m not the wealthiest person in the world; but as long as I have you as my friend, I won’t need any other wealth.” – Unknown

“The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” – Hubert H. Humphrey

“Knowing that you’ve got my back gives me much serenity. Remember that I’ll always be there for you too.” – Unknown

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” – Woodrow T. Wilson

“My friend, you’ve given me uncountable moments of happiness and for that, I’m forever indebted to you.” – Unknown

“A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.” – Arnold H. Glasgow

“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” -Khalil Gibson

“Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.” – George Eliot

“The constant love and support you’ve given me was beyond my wildest expectation. I’m blessed to have you in my life, mate.” – Unknown

Best Friend Quotes

“Calling you my best friend will never be enough, you are a part of my soul. Thank you for always being by my side.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, being with your best friend, is all the therapy you need.” – Anonymous

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell

“Friends make you smile — best friends make you giggle ’til you pee your pants.” – Terri Guillemets

“My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” – Henry Ford

“It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but it’s your best friends who are your diamonds.” – Gina Barreca

“You’re my guiding system, I would be so lost without you. Be beside me just the way you’ve been so far, best friend.” – Unknown

“Best friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.” – Unknown

“I’ve met so many people in life, but none have ever known me as much as you do, buddy.” – Unknown

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. ” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“You’re such an inseparable part of my life that I can’t picture it without you. Let’s grow old together, best friend.” – Unknown

“You’ve been with me through both the shiny days and thunderstorms. May your days ahead be full of rainbows.” – Unknown

“You’re a part of my every good memory and I hope to have you in all my future memories too.” – Unknown

“Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life without them” – Anna Taylor

“A good friend knows all your stories. A best friend helped you create them.” – Anonymous

Funny Friendship Quotes

“An old friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a dead body.” – Jim Hayes

“Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice.” – Otto von Bismarck

“If I had gotten a penny for every time I put up with your stupidity, I’d have become a billionaire by now.” – Unknown

“I’m lucky to have you as my friend. Because people usually don’t get to see a clown for free!” – Unknown

“Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I’d rather be an idiot than lose you.” – Patrick to SpongeBob

“You have made thousands of wrong decisions in life, but making me your friend wasn’t one of them.” – Unknown

“Friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another ‘What! You too?” – C.S. Lewis

“True friends don’t judge each other, they judge other people together.” – Emilie Saint-Genis

“People see your innocent face but only I know the devil behind it! Be grateful that I’m still with you.” – Unknown

“Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel a warm feeling inside.” – Robert Bloch

“Sometimes I think, ‘What is a friend?’ Then I say, ‘Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.’ -Cookie Monster

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer.” – Ed Cunningham

“There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate.” -Linda Grayson

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Keep being the person that you are and you’ll soon end up in an asylum. And I’ll be dragged with you too.” – Unknown

Long Distance Friendship Quotes

“You’re such a vital part of my life, no amount of distance can ever make me forget you, friend.” – Unknown

“Can miles truly separate you from your friend? If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?” – Richard Bach

“Distance does not break off the friendship absolutely, but only the activity of it.” – Aristotle

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” — Elisabeth Foley

“No matter how many miles there are between us, our memories will always be close to my heart. Miss you, my dear friend.” – Unknown

“Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.” — Ally Condie

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” – William James

“Even though you are not here, I can feel your love and support right here with me.” – Unknown

“True friends stay with you no matter the distance or time that separates you from them.” – Lance Reynald

“Sometimes you don’t know how much you love a person until a long distance comes between you and them.” – Terry Mark

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely.” – Charlie Brown

“Not having you here makes me feel so lonely. I wish we could just walk around together and chitchat!” – Unknown

“A real friendship should not fade as time passes, and should not weaken because of space separation.” – John Newton

“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” – Tim McGraw

50+ Best Friendship Quotes For You and Your Friends